Beards & Bible Podcast

A podcast about life, theology, friendships, current events, and the journey of authentic discipleship with two pastors who also happen to be lifelong friends, former college roommates, bandmates, and groomsmen in each other‘s weddings.

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Wednesday Nov 15, 2023

What’s up Beards and Bible listeners! We don’t have a new episode for you this week (or next week because it’ll be Thanksgiving), but we do have a little something to hold you over until then.
Our good buddy Jonathan Ciecka, who is the discipleship pastor at the Experience Community Church in Murfreesboro, is releasing a new video series on YouTube with a corresponding podcast on common questions related to Christianity, apologetics, and issues of faith.
It just so happens that Josh was privileged to be a guest on the first episode of the Common Questions audio podcast that goes along with the YouTube videos talking about the Christian Worldview and how we can know and discover truth. So we thought we’d share it with you guys.
If you like what you hear today, find the link to his show in this description and head over to YouTube to see the video, then subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. It’s a fantastic project that he and his team have been working hard on and I know you’ll enjoy it immensely.
So, without further ado, enjoy this week’s bonus episode from the Common Questions podcast, and make sure you check it out and subscribe.
Common Questions podcast:
Common Questions on Spotify :

Wednesday Nov 08, 2023

In recent years, the practices, traditions, and liturgy of the American Church has drastically changed. Things like stained glass windows, pews, and altars have been replaced by TV’s, lights, padded seats, and stages. Ministers who used to wear vestal robes now deliver messages in skinny jeans using IPads.
It’s not that churches that embrace nontraditional, modern methodology have moved away from orthodoxy or the authority of the Scriptures- to make matters all the more complex, it’s actually more historic mainline, traditional denominations who have done that in an embrace of progressive theology, all while holding onto the liturgy and traditions of the past.
Many American Christians have reported feeling a bit, stuck. Some modern, nontraditional churches feel more like entertainment for teenagers in their presentation, yet they’re sticking to the orthodox doctrines of scripture. Some historic, traditional liturgical churches present a worship experience full of reverence and beauty, rich with tradition and history, yet they’ve moved away from Christian orthodoxy into something else.
How do we understand the place of Christian tradition, practices, and spiritual disciplines in corporate worship? Is it possible to find a church that holds corporate worship services that are full of substance, truth, depth, reverence, and intentionality?

Wednesday Oct 25, 2023

What’s up Beards and Bible listeners! A lot has happened since the guys last sat down together, so on today’s episode we’ll talk about running a marathon together, the recent events in Israel and Gaza, and how this might have something to do with end times prophecy. Should be a good one!

Wednesday Oct 11, 2023

What’s up Beards and Bible listeners, on our last episode we talked about gun ownership, self-defense, and the Christian ethics related to those issues. On our today's episode, we’re going to hear a different Christian perspective- one that advocates nonviolence, gun control, and Christian pacifism.
Even though many American evangelicals are unfamiliar with and often oppose those who hold to this view, historically there have always been groups of Christians worldwide who have advocated and consistently practiced nonviolence including the Mennonites, Church of the Brethren, many Anabaptist Christian fellowships, many Adventists, and Moravians, just to name a few. As a matter of fact, the largest Pentecostal denomination, the Assemblies of God, held to this position until the Second World War.
So how do those who hold to this position think about the scriptures that seem to allow believers to practice self-defense? What are the ethical implications of exercising complete pacifism and nonviolence as a Christian, even when you see evil and violence being done to others?
Check out Aaron's podcast- Everyday Theology

Wednesday Sep 27, 2023

There are a number of Christian traditions (Mennonites, Quakers, Adventists, Moravians, etc.) who hold to a position of non-violence/Christian pacifism and say that owning a gun for self-defense isn’t a Biblically supported position. They’ll quote verses like Matthew 26:52, where Jesus says “put your sword back into its place. For all who take the sword will perish by the sword.” Or Matthew 5:39 where Jesus say, “Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.”
But there are other Christians who would say that the Bible permits instances of self-defense, as long as it’s done with wisdom, tact, understanding, and to protect the innocent from evil. In Luke 22:36, Jesus tells His remaining disciples, “If you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.” Some say that in this verse Jesus upheld the right of his disciples in certain instances to defend themselves. Exodus 22:2 says, “If a thief is caught breaking in at night and is struck a fatal blow, the defender is not guilty of bloodshed”.
So- which one is it? Are Christians to always put away their swords and turn the other cheek? Or are they permitted to own a sword and use it to defend themselves? Can a Christian own a gun? Is gun ownership a “God-given right”?
Check out Defenders and Disciples-

Wednesday Sep 13, 2023

Leaders within the church are called by scripture to live and lead in a way that is above reproach- that doesn’t mean that they must be perfect (or we’d have no leaders), but it does mean that someone who leads must practice personal integrity, character, and godliness. The little things in life reveal character- and character matters in church leadership more than talent, ability, appearance, personality or charisma. 
But what if a Christian leader- be it a pastor, worship leader, or volunteer ministry leader- behaves in a way that goes against the Biblical qualifications for church leadership? What should happen if they “disqualify” themselves from a position of leadership?
Can a leader who is guilty of “disqualifying behavior” in their past ever serve in a position of leadership again? If so, what steps should be taken to restore them?

Thursday Aug 24, 2023

In March of 2023, Tennessee Pastor Greg Locke released a documentary film entitled Come Out in Jesus Name. The film chronicled the ministries of deliverance ministers such as Alexander Pagani, Isaiah Saldivar, and Mike Signorelli. The movie features footage from real life “deliverance” services, where individuals allegedly manifest demonic spirits while screaming, retching, falling, shaking, and writhing on the ground, all while a deliverance minister screams at the demon to, “come out in Jesus name”.
Some parts of the film are, well, disturbing.
Biblically speaking, there is certainly a category for demonic manifestations and deliverance. Throughout 2,000 years of church history, the Christian church has practiced exorcisms and deliverance. But this new breed of deliverance ministry is a bit different.
Many of the individuals at the deliverance services from the documentary are actually professing Christians. And a lot of the techniques espoused in the documentary are a bit unconventional. So…can a Christian have a demon? Where does the ministry of deliverance fit in the lives of Christians? Is this just something we practice on non-believers who want to be set free? Or do Christians ever need deliverance?
And if they do, is it supposed to look exactly like it does on this documentary in order to be effective?
Just an FYI- by no means is our viewing and discussing the film an endorsement of it or even a critique of it- we simply want to talk through the topic of deliverance and examine how we as believers can think through this topic Biblically.

Wednesday Aug 09, 2023

Howdy listeners! This week's episode is a bit different with Gabe traveling to Israel, but with a little bit of international date line maneuvering, we're still able to make things happen.
So join us as Gabe checks in from Israel, Josh answers e-mail questions, and Jason Aldean dares you to try that in a small town...(whatever "that" may happen to be). 

Wednesday Jul 26, 2023

In the year 325 at the First Council of Nicea, leaders of the early church adopted a very important statement of belief in response to a false teacher named Arius. Arius was an Egyptian presbyter from Alexandria who introduced a new theology that stated while Jesus was the Son of God, He wasn’t really God- he was a created being who had been given some divine attributes.
The early church responded to this heresy by official denouncing it and issuing the Nicene Creed, which states that Christian orthodoxy affirms a belief in- “one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds, God of God, Light of Light, Very God of Very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father by whom all things were made.”
It's been a long time since the year 325, but the more things change, the more they stay the same. The Arian heresy has persisted stubbornly throughout the last 1,700 years of church history in various forms and iterations. There are many fringe groups that claim to represent Christian orthodoxy, but in reality are simply peddling this same old heresy.
So was Jesus really God? Or was Jesus a created being with divine attributes that was sent by God? Was Jesus made into a God by the early church? Or was Jesus a god just like you and I are “gods”? …shouldn’t we be checking our Bibles for the answers to this?

Wednesday Jul 12, 2023

In 1990, 26-year-old Terri Schiavo fell into a persistent vegetative state after suffering cardiac arrest. A fierce highly public battle took place between her parents and her husband, who wanted to disconnect her feeding tube. Terri's husband argued that his wife would not have wanted her life artificially prolonged, with no hope of recovery.
Terri Schiavo's case spurred an emotional nationwide and international heated debate over quality of life, right-to-die and end-of-life issues. The case grew so notorious that the Vatican in Rome challenged American law which allowed for discontinuing food and water in certain circumstances, arguing for the sanctity of human life.
Though the courts sided with her husband, Michael Schiavo, the state legislature passed a bill, known as Terri's law, giving Florida Gov. Jeb Bush authority to prevent the removal of the feeding tube. After much back and forth involving state and federal courts, Terri's feeding tube was eventually removed, ending the long legal struggle over her fate when she died on March 31, 2005 at the age of 41.
So should a person’s death be prolonged or should a person’s life be allowed to end through, “mercy killings” or euthanasia? What about a person who is seeking to euthanize themselves with the aid of a physician? Is allowing such practices merciful or merciless?
What does the Bible have the say about these issues? How can we understand the topic of suicide, euthanasia, and the sanctity of life as Christians?


A Podcast about Viewing Everything we See Through the Biblical Worldview

Hi! We're Josh and Gabe. Ever wondered what the Bible has to say about UFO's? Inflation? The New Age Movement? QAnon? We're the show for you. Join us as we take a look at issues and trends in culture, the church, and society at large through the lens of the Biblical worldview. 

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