Beards & Bible Podcast

A podcast about life, theology, friendships, current events, and the journey of authentic discipleship with two pastors who also happen to be lifelong friends, former college roommates, bandmates, and groomsmen in each other‘s weddings.

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Friday Apr 05, 2024

Beards and Bible podcast listeners, we have now reached 100 episodes!!! We are so incredibly grateful for all of our amazing listeners and fans who have made our podcast the thing that it has become over the past four years.
To celebrate our 100th episode, we're dedicating the entire episode to our listeners by answering some of your awesome questions. We will be tackling questions on boundaries, the messianic significance of passover/communion, divorce and remarriage, the difference between healthy and sinful pride, and as many more as we can squeeze into an episode. Looking forward to a great time talking through some awesome topics!

Wednesday Mar 20, 2024

Different terms translated as dragon appear more than 20 times in the OT and four times in the NT. Not only that, nearly every major ancient culture has myths and legends about giant reptiles. How would these civilizations, continents and millennia apart, all come up with legends of giant reptilian creatures?
In an epic crossover episode with our friend from Nerds and Jesus podcast, we're diving deep into the fiery mysteries of dragons in the Bible. Join us as we open our Bibles, separate fact from fiction, and explore the symbolic significance of these mythical beasts. Whether you're a devout believer, a curious skeptic, or just a flat-out dragon enthusiast, this episode is for you.
Check out Nerds & Jesus podcast's website!

Wednesday Mar 06, 2024

What’s up Beards and Bible listeners, on today’s episode, both of us will respond to four separate questions (related to life, theology, ministry, or anything else) that we haven’t seen or heard about beforehand- so every answer we give will completely unscripted- for better or for worse. So this oughta be fun…what could go wrong?

Wednesday Feb 21, 2024

The relationship between churches, pastors, missionaries, ministries and money can be tricky. Ministries rely on the financial contributions of donors to sustain everything they’re trying to do. All throughout the Bible, both in the Old and New Testament, the people of God are told to be generous and give to the work of God through the church.
So, churches and ministries need money to do good things, like help people, take care of their buildings, and pay their staff. But sometimes, things can get messy. Especially when money gets involved.  
Many people worry that ministries, churches, and pastors are using the money for things they shouldn't. Almost on a daily basis, there are reports of some pastor or ministry somewhere accumulating wealth and property through donations from the faithful in an excessive, inappropriate, and decadent way. In some ways, it seems like ministries and pastors are more about exploitation and greed than they are actually helping anybody but themselves.
But does that mean that Christians aren’t supposed to give to support the work of a church or ministry? And what about tithing? Are Christians supposed to tithe, or that an Old Testament thing?

Wednesday Feb 07, 2024

You may have had an encounter with someone from a group called the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Maybe they left some of their literature in your mailbox, maybe they knocked on your door, or maybe you had an extended conversation with one of them at a park or public place. At first, it would seem that they’re a Christian group with an intense dedication to evangelism, but as you interact with their doctrine and teachings, things can get confusing fast. So, what exactly do the Jehovah’s Witness believe and teach?
What about their translation of the Bible? And their belief that Jesus wasn’t God and the 144,000 faithful Jehovah’s Witnesses (citing Revelation 7:4) who will go to heaven?
Let’s take a deep dive into the fascinating and sometimes complex world of the Jehovah's Witnesses. But more than that, let’s talk effective strategies for engaging with their members in a Christ-like way, using the power of scriptural reasoning, respectful dialogue, and meaningful discussions.
So…knock, knock? Who’s there? The Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Wednesday Jan 24, 2024

The Ark of the Covenant has been a fascinating topic of study for Bible scholars, historians, archeologists, and lovers of Indiana Jones for a long time.
This sacred artifact has captured imaginations for centuries- but what was this mysterious chest, and why did it hold such profound significance for the people of ancient Israel? How was it built, what was it made of, and what was inside of it? Why was it so powerful and how do we understand its enigmatic disappearance?  
Then there’s the age-old question: will we ever lay eyes on the Ark again? If so, what will that mean?

Wednesday Jan 10, 2024

Happy new year Beards and Bible listeners! We are so excited to open up our inbox and do our best to answer some super interesting questions that were all sent in by you as the listener. We've got questions about being a Christian in the military, disagreements between Calvinists and Arminians, the differences between Catholics/Protestants and the Orthodox Church, a question about singing worship songs connected with NAR churches, and if the Bible actually talks about unicorns.
We will do a deep dive into these questions with you on our next episode- "From the Mailbag, Vol. 4 (Unicorns, Christians in the military, differences between Calvinists/Arminians and Protestants and Catholics, etc.)

Wednesday Dec 20, 2023

Happy holidays Beards and Bible listeners! I hope you all are having a fantastic and blessed holiday season, however you’re celebrating with your family and loved ones. Just wanted to hop on and say a huge THANK YOU to all of who have listened, subscribed, shared, and interacted with our podcast this past year. 2023 has been an incredible year for us- we’ve hit just shy of 72,000 downloads with listeners from not just here in the US, but from over 70 countries all around the world.
This podcast would not be what it is without all of you- so from the bottom of our hearts, thank you, God bless you, and we hope and pray that this podcast has enriched you spiritually in every way and help draw you closer the Lord as a disciple of Jesus.
Gabe and I are taking the next few weeks off to rest and spend time with family, but we will be back on January 10 for our annual “From the Mailbag” series- where we answer questions sent in by listeners just like you. So if you’ve got a question about scripture, theology, church, or culture- send us an email at, leave us a comment on YouTube, or send a message via the Facebook page.
Remember- our next episode is only possible if you send us your questions, so if you’ve got one, stop what you’re doing right now and send away.
Thanks again for listening, God bless you, hope and pray you and your family have a wonderful holiday season and a very happy new year!

Wednesday Dec 13, 2023

A new documentary was recently released called, “The Mission” tells the story of John Chau. In 2018, Chau, a young American missionary, was killed by arrows while attempting to contact one of the world’s most isolated Indigenous peoples on remote North Sentinel Island off the coast of India.
The Sentinelese tribe are one of the six native and often reclusive peoples of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands (just off the coast of India). Unlike the others, the Sentinelese appear to have consistently refused any interaction with the outside world. They are hostile to outsiders and have killed people who approached or landed on the island. In 1956, the Government of India declared North Sentinel Island a tribal reserve and prohibited travel within 3 nautical miles of it. It further maintains a constant armed patrol in the surrounding waters to prevent intrusions by outsiders.
In spite of all this, John Chau expressed a clear desire to convert the tribe and was aware of the legal and mortal risks he was taking by his efforts, writing in his diary, "Lord, is this island Satan's last stronghold, where none have heard or even had the chance to hear your name?", "The eternal lives of this tribe is at hand", and "I think it's worthwhile to declare Jesus to these people. Please do not be angry at them or at God if I get killed ... Don't retrieve my body."
Chau’s death was a tragedy, but it raised some very important ethical, spiritual, and theological questions. Why did John Chau go to the Sentinelese, even though he knew that they didn’t wish to be contacted and it could cost him his life? Was what John Chau did ethical? Was there a wiser approach maybe he could’ve taken? What happens to people who have never heard the gospel? Should we as Christians be attempting to convert those from unreached tribes and indigenous people groups?  

Wednesday Nov 29, 2023

The church in the United States is at an interesting crossroads. Surveys suggest that there are good things happening in churches across America- such as an increase in volunteerism, optimism among members and ministers, and a significant drop in church conflicts and intense dissensions.
However, there are also still serious challenges for most churches in the U.S. Churches in America are at a very unique intersection between rising secularism amongst the culture, a decreasing interest in Christianity as a whole, and the falling away from church life of those who are nominal, disengaged Christians by name only.
What do the statistics and data tell us about some of the concerning trends we’re facing in the American church over the next few years? What can we do as followers of Christ and members of Christ’s body to rise to the occasion?


A Podcast about Viewing Everything we See Through the Biblical Worldview

Hi! We're Josh and Gabe. Ever wondered what the Bible has to say about UFO's? Inflation? The New Age Movement? QAnon? We're the show for you. Join us as we take a look at issues and trends in culture, the church, and society at large through the lens of the Biblical worldview. 

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