
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
The Gospel- it’s a word that’s been tossed around and used an adjective and a noun, and for many people there’s not really an understanding of what it actually means. It’s the good news concerning the identity of Jesus Christ as King and how He’s provided a way for us to be forgiven and saved from our sins and brought into the Kingdom of God. But how exactly does that work?
How is someone “converted” to Christ or saved? Is there a magic prayer that someone has to recite in order to become a Christian? Or maybe it’s baptism?
Why do Christians get baptized? If someone doesn’t get baptized, does that mean they’re not saved?

Thursday May 21, 2020
Thursday May 21, 2020
A new religious movement in evangelical Christianity- supposedly led by modern day apostles and prophets- has confused people, divided churches, and strained relationships as believers are forced to make painful choices between those they love and what they believe to be the truth of God’s Word. Most people don’t know the movement by any formal name, but its teachers and organizations- Bill Johnson, Bethel Church, Rick Joyner, International House of Prayer, YWAM- are world famous. Its practices and teachings have also permeated churches all across the world.
But are these teachings in alignment with Scripture? How do we use discernment to understand these teachings through the lens of God’s Word?
What about the worship music that comes from this movement? The extra-biblical teachings on spiritual warfare, signs and wonders, and prayer? Is this a cult?
Is it possible to talk honestly about these things without offending or ticking somebody off?

Thursday May 07, 2020
Thursday May 07, 2020
A recent youtube documentary with over 10 million views, claims to lift the mask on how the mainstream media, Hollywood, and government work together to manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Its makers claim their goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda. What if there is a “deep state” that works to nefariously control and brainwash the general public? Can we ever really trust the media? How about our government? How are Christians to be “subject to the governing authorities” like Scripture tells us to do if our authorities might be inherently evil?

Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Recently, there's been a trend of celebrities and high-profile figures endorsing the use of 5-MeO-DMT and other psychedelic drugs. Some describe feeling like they’re traveling at warp speed through a tunnel of bright lights and shapes. Others describe having an out-of-body experience and feeling like they’ve changed into something else.
There are still others who report visiting other worlds and communicating with "elf-like" beings or other strange creatures that attempt to guide them into the mysteries of the universe.
Interestingly, the Book of Enoch (while not a canonical book of the Bible, but quoted in Jude 14-15) describes how fallen angels taught humans how to utilize plants and cut roots to tap into their psychedelic compounds and to elicit metaphysical experiences and cast spells.
Could it be that DMT & psychedelics are doorways into the demonic? What is the book of Enoch and how do we understand it as Bible-believing Christians? What does the Bible tell us about the use of psychedelics like DMT and other drugs in general?

Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
A global pandemic. A collapsing economy. Social distancing. Flattening the curve. Have we ever been here before as a society? What about Passover and Easter this week? How does it all go together? And why should I care what these guys have to say about it?

A Podcast about Viewing Everything we See Through the Biblical Worldview
Hi! We're Josh and Gabe. Ever wondered what the Bible has to say about UFO's? Inflation? The New Age Movement? QAnon? We're the show for you. Join us as we take a look at issues and trends in culture, the church, and society at large through the lens of the Biblical worldview.
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