Beards & Bible Podcast

A podcast about life, theology, friendships, current events, and the journey of authentic discipleship with two pastors who also happen to be lifelong friends, former college roommates, bandmates, and groomsmen in each other‘s weddings.

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Friday Oct 30, 2020

The Christian Faith in North America has reached a critical juncture. Thousands of believers have begun to drift away from the major creeds and confessions of historic Christianity in favor of a more inclusive, societally acceptable ideology that favors tolerance, social activism and public policy over personal repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. Skepticism about the Bible abounds, and Scriptures that seems out of step with contemporary values are either explained away or dismissed. In fact, certain scriptural subjects such as the atonement, gender and sexual issues, the lordship (and even divinity) of Jesus, and personal holiness get reframed as either unimportant, misunderstood, or even dangerous.
Is it possible to be a Christian that denies the infallibility of Scripture, the divinity of Jesus, the doctrine of atonement, and the necessity of personal repentance and exclusive faith in Christ? Is it possible to reframe the identity of Jesus as primarily a social activist and the Christian faith as primarily a self-actualizing movement that’s just one path among many, and STILL refer to yourself as a Christian?

Friday Oct 16, 2020

The Bible tells men to love their wives, and for women to respect and honor their  husbands. Historically, marriage has been valued and celebrated by the Christian church. But the truth is, marriage is hard. The challenges, obstacles, and difficulties of life take a toll on a marriage- even a Christian one. Betrayal, heartbreak, and the pain of neglect can shake a marriage to its core and tempt many of us to give up.
How can we stay proactive and make sure our marriages are healthy? How do we actually put it in practice the teachings from the Bible of love, respect, honor, and understanding within a marriage?

Friday Oct 02, 2020

Imagine a reality in which almost every bit of information you consume is handpicked, edited, and abridged for your consumption. Information is given to you not because it’s necessarily true or factual, but because chances are, you’ll click, watch, read, like, or repost because, well, you already agreed with the headline before you even read the story.
Now imagine those who are feeding you this information. With every click, watch, share or engagement you give to the stories they’ve fed you, there’s money to be made. So what do they do? The same thing almost any human being would do. They seek to keep you constantly engaged and addicted to their platforms by catering the content you consume to your preferences, preconceived ideas, political leanings, likes, and dislikes. Can you imagine such a world as this? 
The scary thing is- you don’t have to. This is the reality you actually live in. Recently, conscientious defectors from big tech companies have claimed that the manipulation of human behavior for profit is actually coded into these companies with horrifying precision. Infinite scrolling and push notifications keep users constantly engaged; personalized recommendations use data not just to predict but also to influence our actions. As a result, this has turned users of search engines, social media platforms, and online news services into easy prey for advertisers and propagandists.
But at what cost? Experts and clinical researchers tell us that excessive consumption of online media and content can distort our view of ourselves, our relationships, our political and ideological opponents, and our broader reality. They also tell us that human willpower can’t be expected to compete with some of the most sophisticated A.I. systems on the planet that have been designed to keep us addicted and engaged to these platforms, not matter how hard we try to limit our consumption.
As followers of Jesus, we hold to the idea that truth is absolute- it doesn’t change based on our preferences or proclivities. But how do we find truth when it’s constantly being manipulated? Is there a way to develop a healthy relationship with these technologies? How can we make sure we’re actually understanding these issues and not just blindly consuming the information we’re being fed because it tells us what we want to hear?

Thursday Sep 17, 2020

Election season is upon us, and many Christians have conflicting emotions and deeply concerned about their role and participation in the upcoming election. What Biblical principles and ideals should inform our participation in the political process? How is a Christian supposed to vote? Is it simply along party lines, or one single "make or break" issue? And is it possible to have constructive, honest, and thoughtful dialogue about these issues?

Thursday Sep 03, 2020

So often there are things we believe about the Bible, that just aren’t in the Bible. The Bible never talks about there being 3 wisemen present at the birth of Jesus, or that Adam and Eve ate an apple in the garden, or that it was a whale that swallowed Jonah. But so many of us, there years of tradition and human interpretation that have instilled in us (sometimes even unknowingly) misconceptions about the Biblical texts. So how do we read the Bible in its original context? How do we do the work of separating tradition from truth and our cultural interpretations from what the text actually says? How was the Bible written? How did it come to us? 

Thursday Aug 20, 2020

Is Genesis just far-fetched, goofy, highly unlikely mythology that should be taken allegorical? Or is it a historical account of literal events? Are Christians rejecting science by choosing to believe it? If someone rejects the book of Genesis, have they rejected the rest of the Bible?
In the 2nd installment of a two part episode, we address these questions and discuss the various interpretations of the creation account in the book of Genesis.

Thursday Aug 06, 2020

In 1859, Charles Darwin theorized in his book, The Origin of Species, that life forms have evolved over time through the process of natural selection. In 1871, in his book, The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex, he theorized that nature itself determined the development and progress of all living things. The implication was that any God-centered view of the world is merely wishful thinking. Darwin implies that nature, not God, controls human development. Our origin story is explained through the laws of nature and science.  
150 years later, Darwin’s theories have been accepted by most rational minds as scientific fact. Meanwhile, the Bible also speaks to the question of origin. The book of Genesis gives us a different set of answers about how we got here. But is Genesis just far-fetched, goofy, highly unlikely mythology that should be taken as allegorical? Or is it a historical account of literal events? If so, are Christians rejecting science by choosing to believe it?
In the first installment of a two-part episode, we'll be diving into the theories of Charles Darwin and exploring their influence on western civilization.  

Thursday Jul 23, 2020

Artificial intelligence, in a broad sense, is any task performed by a program or a machine that, if a human carried out the same activity, we would say the human had to apply intelligence to accomplish the task. Things like planning, learning, reasoning, problem solving, knowledge representation, perception, motion, and manipulation and even, to a lesser extent, social intelligence and creativity can now all be performed, to a certain extent at least, by artificial intelligence systems.
But if we’re able to develop a technology that empowers machines to do anything a human can do, does this mean that the day is coming when humans will become expendable and replaceable?
Will the lines between humanity and machine become blurred in the years to come with the development of more advanced artificial intelligence?
Will AI evolve to eventually surpass humanity by becoming smarter than us? How as Christians should we treat AI systems? Like slaves or with the same kind of respect and dignity as a human being?
And speaking of which, what is that makes us human after all? Are we human because of how “highly evolved” we’ve become- or is there something else God has placed within us that makes us “human”?

Thursday Jul 09, 2020

There are now 3 billion social media users in the world- that’s roughly 40% of the earth’s population. The amount of social media users is growing too- in 2005, only 5% of American adults reported using social media. Now? 70% of them do.
 A technology that enables humanity to communicate and share life together all across the globe seems like a positive, life-giving thing. But is there a dark side to this technology?
Limited research has shown that social media use actually has a significant impact on our stress levels, anxiety, mood, sleep, relationships, and overall happiness and well-being. In fact, some studies seem to indicate that the more we use social media, the more unhappy, lonely, and superficial we become.
But is there a way for us use this technology responsibly? Can we as followers of Jesus harness its power to spread the Gospel and witness to the truth of who Christ is in our lives? Is it all-together an “evil” thing? Or can it be used for good?

Thursday Jun 25, 2020

We’ve seen the bumper sticker, “Don’t drive faster than your guardian angel can fly”. We’ve watched the cartoons where a robed, winged figure with a halo appears on one shoulder to encourage a character to be good and a red, horned figure with a pitchfork appears on the other shoulder to try to influence the same character to be bad. Some of us have even seen the terrifying depictions from Hollywood’s imagination of demonic possession and activity, and the fantastical depictions of angels and the heavenly realm.
But how much of this is fiction, and how much is fact?
When you read the Bible, what does it describe about these beings and what do the individuals who actually encountered them have to say?
What about demons?
Can you see demons or summon them?
Can you do the same with angels? Does everybody have a "guardian angel", or is that just something we made up?


A Podcast about Viewing Everything we See Through the Biblical Worldview

Hi! We're Josh and Gabe. Ever wondered what the Bible has to say about UFO's? Inflation? The New Age Movement? QAnon? We're the show for you. Join us as we take a look at issues and trends in culture, the church, and society at large through the lens of the Biblical worldview. 

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