Wednesday Feb 08, 2023

Deconstructing Deconstruction: Pt. 1- What is deconstruction and Why it’s Trending

Deconstruction is trending. And many are simply struggling to make sense of it all.

In July 2019, popular Christian writer, speaker, and pastor Joshua Harris announced that he and his wife were separating due to "significant changes that have taken place in both of us". Subsequently, Harris revealed that he no longer considered himself to be a Christian. Harris cited primarily personal and relational factors in his own walk away from the faith. As public pressures and private crises in his life and ministry intensified, he found his Christian identity unravelling in slow motion- until he finally found there was nothing left and walked away.

In 2020, comedic duo Rhett & Link announced on their podcast Ear Biscuits that they both are no longer Christians, describing themselves instead as “hopeful agnostics”. This was a surprising announcement to many, as Rhett & Link were both raised as Christians and previously worked as full-time missionaries while attending college.

That same year, Jon Steingard, the lead singer of the Christian band Hawk Nelson, announced on his instagram that he no longer believes in God. Steingard compared the unraveling of his faith to the unraveling of a sweater. It didn’t happen all at once, but was a process that took years and occurred one thread at a time. Eventually, however, he discovered that the sweater was gone.

These stories are becoming more and more common, not just among well-known Christian artists, writers, speakers, and pastors- but among everyday people who once claimed a vibrant, real, meaningful Christian faith. What in the world is going on?

Deconstruction has been described as a crisis of Christian faith that leads to either a person’s reevaluation of Christianity or sometimes a total abandonment of Christianity. Deconstruction is not necessarily the same thing as deconversion, but most of the people who “deconvert” deconstruct first.

What is happening? Why is it happening? And what might lead a person into this process?


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