Wednesday Dec 14, 2022

Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, and the Foolish and Harmful desires which plunge men into Ruin and Destruction.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock the past five years, you’ve probably heard a thing or two about cryptocurrency. In 2008, Bitcoin became the first established virtual currency, and remained that way in 2011.

But now, more than 12,000 cryptocurrencies are available, and that number more than doubled in the past year (2021-2022). Some economists believe cryptocurrencies are the world’s strongest currencies and a solution to global poverty. Others say they’re a harbor for criminal activity and an environmental disaster. Some investors have reported making millions overnight using cryptocurrency trading. Others say it’s not investing--- the crypto markets are so volatile, it’s actually more like gambling.

But let’s be honest: most of us don’t even understand what cryptocurrencies even are. When did they become a thing? How did they become a thing? What makes them valuable? How do people make (or lose) money from crypto?

And should a Christian invest in cryptocurrency? Is there anything in the Bible about…Bitcoin? Or Dogecoin?


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